
Department of obtain residency in Spain and the European Schengen countries

#  Non-profit residence

Are you looking for accommodation in Spain? Do youwant to avoid the visa application every time? You can now apply for non-profittemporary residence.

There are several ways to obtain a residence permit inSpain, one of which is the so-called non-profit temporary residence.

This visa gives its holder the right to live andreside in Spain for a period of more than 90 days.

Depending on paid work, theholder of this residency can travel and reside in Spain and within the EuropeanSchengen area.


#  Afterobtaining this residency

You and your family can live in Spain and travelfreely between the countries of the European Schengen area.

1.    Using the Spanish ID and without the need for a travel visa.

2.    You can invest in Spain by establishing a company or buying real estate.

3.    You can apply for Spanish citizenship after ten years of residence inSpain.

4.     You and your family will have the same rights asSpanish citizens after obtaining the right of permanent residence after fiveyears of residence in Spain.


#  Howand where can I apply for this visa?

Those wishing to obtain this visa must submit thefollowing documents to the Spanish Consulate in the country of originalresidence:

1.    Schengen visa application form with a recent photo and other forms thatwe will assist you in preparing.

2.    A passport or travel document recognized in Spain and valid for at leastone year;

3.     In addition to a photocopy of him, the passport ortravel document must include at least two blank pages.

4.     A health certificate proving that the applicant doesnot suffer from any diseases that may affect public health.

5.    Certificate of No Judgment: This certificate must be issued by theauthorities of the country in which the applicant resided during the past fiveyears.

6.    Financial security: The applicant must prove the availability of aregular annual financial source for the individual and the family.

Thesefinancial resources must be sufficient to cover their annual living expenses;

The minimum amount per year is €35,000 for the original applicant and €7,200for each family member

7.    . Publicor private medical insurance from an insurance company approved by the Spanishgovernment.

8.    Paying the residence permit fees.


The Spanish Consulate may request additional documentsif necessary. The applicant may also be asked to appear for an interview at theConsular Section of the Spanish Embassy in the country of residence.


#  The validity of the non-profit residence card

The identity card is valid for one year, after whichthis card is renewed with a second card for a period of two years,

then thesecond card is renewed with a third card for a period of two years, and afterthat the third card is renewed with a fourth card for a period of five yearsthat serves as residence Always.


To renew this residence permit, a condition must bemet, which is residence in Spain for at least 6 months during the first year.


# Fees

1.     12,000 € + IVA (21%) for the main applicant

    2.      3,500  Euros + VAT (21%) for the wife/husband and children under the legal age (per person).

3.      %50 of the fees must be paid in advance and are non-refundable, and the remaining amount is paid once the visa is issued.


# Services included:

1.    Preparing and filling out the application forms for the applicant.

2.    Draw a motivation letter for the embassy.

3.     Obtaining the applicant's NIE or TIE number.

4.    Review and validate all required documents.

5.     Coordinating the translation of documents if necessary(the above fees do not include the cost of translation).

6.    Coordination of obtaining private health insurance.

7.     Submit documents to the embassy when needed.

8.    Once the visa is issued, the customer is assisted to register with themunicipality (once arriving in Spain).

9.    Coordination of conditional assignments

10.  . Preparing all the documents required for thefingerprint

11.  . Accompanying fingerprint registration at the policestation

12.  . Assistance in the process of obtaining a residencecard.


# Proceduresfor applying for a visa:

1.    The customer's signature on this document as a notification of hisapproval of what was stated therein.

2.    Paying the first installment of the fees referred to above.

3.    After that, cooperation is made with the client to prepare the file.

4.     In parallel with the above, an appointment is takenfrom the competent Spanish consulate for the application stage.

5.    On the specified date, the residency application will be submitted.

6.     It should be noted here that the period of time thatthe Spanish consulates usually take to give its decision on the applicationssubmitted,

it usually takes approximately 30 working days from the date ofsubmitting the application.

7.    Upon approval of the application, the applicant will be given 90 days totravel to Spain to obtain a residence card.


# A note regarding the limitation of responsibility

the customer must understand that we will show duediligence to help the customer strengthen his chances of obtaining a visa, andat the same time,

we do not guarantee the approval of the Spanish Consulate onthe application, as it remains subject to the absolute discretion of the consullooking into the file according to the powers entrusted to him for that and therefore,

our office denies its responsibility for the results that will lead tosubmitting the application.


We understand the content of this file and prove ourapproval of what it says.