
Department of obtain Dominica passport

# Get to know Dominica

Dominica is called the Nature Island, due to itsunspoiled natural beauty, characterized by its lush mountain forests.

Being home to many rare animals and plants,Dominica is famous for the Cicero parrot, or as it is called the “ImperialAmazon”, which is the island’s national bird and appears on its flag.

Like all Caribbean countries, Dominica isdistinguished by its stunning beauty and charming coastlines, and is alsofamous for its fertile lands, so its economy depends on tourism andagriculture.

It is also a safe country, has a democraticparliament, and has one of the highest standards of living in the world.


# About the Dominica Citizenship by InvestmentProgram

Dominica offers the cheapest citizenship byinvestment program, and a Dominica passport grants visa-free entry to more than511countries. Dominica's citizenship by investment is also considered legallyprotected, as local law does not contain restrictions on dual citizenship, soobtaining a second citizenship by investing in the country is a confidentialprocess and does not require the person to give up his original citizenship.


# Dominica nationality features

1.    Dual citizenship: that is, the possibility of a person retaining hisoriginal citizenship even after obtaining Dominica citizenship.

2.     Possibility of inheritingDominican citizenship to newborns.

3.     Tax exemption fornon-residents.


# Dominica citizenship requirements

1.    The age of the applicant for Dominica citizenship must be at least18years

2.     Applicants must have aclean criminal record.

3.     The source of the fundsused in the investment must be proven.

4.     Dependent children underthe age of30

5.     Dependent parents andgrandparents over the age65.

6.     Must undergo due diligence(security vetting) to obtain approval.

7.     All applicants must be ofage16 years and above Conduct an online interview.


# Cost of obtaining Dominica citizenship

Dominica citizenship by investment is one of thecheapest citizenships in the world, and it offers two options for obtaining it:

1.    Donate an amount001 thousand US dollars.

2.    Real estate investment in the amount of002 thousand US dollars.


# Steps to obtain Dominica citizenship

1.    Prepare the required documents attached to the application.

2.     Submit the application andfile to the Government of Dominica.

3.     Receipt of approval by thegovernment.

4.     Transfer of money(donation or real estate investment).

5.    Receipt of nationality certificates and passports.

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